Sunday, June 20, 2004

10 westphal, 11:27pm
three men wearing baseball hats. the first, an old man. a yellowish grey beard and a patch on his eye. missing teeth and a speech impedement. the second, middle aged with a mustache, quiet, and looking similar to the third who was big with beady little eyes. the first was moving his hands to help him along with his words which were slurred and incoherent. the second, listening quietly with a half smile on his face. he heard the words but knew they were just the rants of a crazy man off the streets. the third with the beady eyes laughing at the first and seeming like an 8 year old boy in the body of a 50 year old man. he kept saying "you like boys". as if to imply that being an old senile man and a gay man were equally disgusting. he said "i don't care about you, i don't know you."
i sat a few feet away with my eyes closed and my head leaning against the window. i wanted to tell that third man to shutup. i wanted to tell him to stop being a prick but i just sat there, eyes closed, and wished i was home in bed.


Blogger Krista Comeau said...

yeah ..those kinds of situations make me dislike people....i do you get through to them?

9:31 AM  
Blogger Big Nikki said...

the bus can be a horrible place...

12:21 PM  
Blogger Saraiu01 said...

Krista is cool in the blogger world. if thie were high school, you would be K. Spence

6:12 PM  
Blogger Krista Comeau said...

haha you're right

6:13 PM  

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