Wednesday, September 15, 2004

today i woke up with a heartache from lack of deanna. i missed her tremendously today. you know when you wake up in the morning and your mouth is really dry and you crave a glass of water? it was like that. haha. it's because i awoke from a dream, where we were working at second cup again, to find out my bus came in 15 minutes. i always hate that. when you have to get up and go right out of a dream: so all day you have this feeling that somethings off. you turn corners too quickly, lose your balance or catch yourself staring at nothing. bianca and i took most of the morning buying supplies and learning how to screenprint on our own. feeling confused isn't as bad when you have company. "we should be a sitcom". so true. we made pretty pink and blue backgrounds and that was the extent of our progress. we watched watership down in the lounge: "hazel is a handsome rabbit". i left her to watch the end with an 8 year old boy to go to work. work was long and busy but devon and i talked about drinking purple kool-aid and the love of his life. devon always manages to make a bad night a good one. even in his worst mood he's smiling. it's nice once and awhile. things go wrong so you might as well laugh at your bad luck. tonight my mom snuck some ju-jubes to me at work as if she thought someone might steal some from her if they knew. my mom is so cute. i heart her.
tomorrow: brunch with jason and dressing up like zombies for shaun of the dead.
ooo the excitment.

good night my little bunnies.


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