Monday, May 30, 2005

recently i:
-found a bunch of old negatives that i'll print when i go back to school
-saw joel plaskett at the rebecca cohn and it was worth the $20
-bought a light meter of ebay from a guy that lives across the harbour
-worked worked worked!

blogs seem kind of empty lately: i guess it's because we're not as lonely and seperated as we were during the school year.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

my mom just came across a gold mine of old negatives from the 60's and 70's.

a fucking gold mine.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

i love the chickenburger Posted by Hello

Thursday, May 12, 2005

in the past six days i:
-smoked pot for the first time
-got rediculously drunk and did interpetive dance at matt and chris' party
-celebrated mother's day hungover
-only went jogging once
-played frisbee in the chapter's parking lot until 1 am
-talked to marc until 2 am
-bummed around the house
-had marc play his guitar for me
-learned how to knit
-went to the beach
-made a delicious dinner with marc and d
-watched "a life less ordinary"

it's been a pretty eventful week for me...

Saturday, May 07, 2005

i hate that moment when up until then everything is great and then all it takes is one sufficiently akward moment to make you suddenly sober up and then the whole day is lost because all you can focus on is how quickly things wind down.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

pretty Posted by Hello

Sunday, May 01, 2005

for the past three days the weather has turned me into a hermit.
however, deanna's back, i'm excited about a photo date with b and i'm hanging out with kathy tonight.
i also hear the sun is going to come out of hiding soon.
summer is slowly appearing in small places...