montrel was great. i was so nice to get away for a bit. kathy's place was beautiful but sarah and i pretty much trashed it all week with our clothes all over the floor and that huge blow up mattress. i wish we didn't have any work to do but it was fine because we'd study all morning and drink or watch freaks and geeks at night. i love that show! anyways, montreal was fun. i hope kathy didn't mind us too much. i hope we weren't too hard to babysit! spring break was too short. back to school, essays and starbucks.
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Monday, February 13, 2006
Tell me no more of minds embracing minds,
And hearts exchang'd for hearts;
That spirits spirits meet, as winds do winds,
And mix their subt'lest parts;
That two unbodied essences may kiss,
And then like Angels, twist and feel one Bliss.
I was that silly thing that once was wrought
To practise this thin love;
I climb'd from sex to soul, from soul to thought;
But thinking there to move,
Headlong I rolled from thought to soul, and then
From soul I lighted at the sex again.
As some strict down-looked men pretend to fast,
Who yet in closets eat;
So lovers who profess they spririts taste,
Feed yet on grosser meat;
I know they boast they souls to souls convey,
Howe'r they meet, the body is the way.
Come, I will undeceive thee, they that tread
Those vain aerial ways
Are like young heirs and alchemists misled
To waste their wealth and days,
For searching thus to be for ever rich,
They only find a med'cine for the itch.

Saturday, February 11, 2006
Friday, February 10, 2006
so here's the news. i haven't been eating so well lately and put on the wieght i lost plus some. i neglected doing anything social or active for a week just so i could procrastinate and finally get my bibliography done an hour before it was due. my feminism and art history class is actually really nice beside the work. i was in a rut for a month and didn't take any photos for my class. i'm not sure if i'm still in a rut.... i'll know when i see the photos i took of alex the other day. i'm excited to go to montreal and to see deanna and kathy. i miss marc but its starting to feel like he wasn't ever here. oh and i also want to have a day that we watch astro boy and jem and tiny toons while eating sugar loaded cereal kraft diner with little veggie dogs and alphabets. this post is sort of like those days were you don't really have anything to make a meal so you eat random crap in you fridge like a piece of bread with mayo on it, a dill pickle and a couple of mints that have been sitting in that candy jar since christmas. its just a mix of junk and in the end you feel like you never really ate anything.
i might delete this post.
basically what i'm trying to say here is all i ever really want to do each day is eat well, go for lots of walks and read jane austen novels.