wow. it's been a long long time.
The rest of this journal is painfully painfully embarrassing to me. the same way my emo poetry from high school is just asking to be burned.
anyways. i thought i would start keeping a journal again. who knows if it will last but we'll see. i'm moving to halifax in a month to live in a beautiful old home with 3 of my favorite people. i'm pretty excited/poor. hopefully this situation will help me figure some things out. mainly: what am i doing with my life? what should i do for a living? what do i want?
that is a lot of "I" but that is the stage i've reached. i've got 4 years to figure my life out. i feel like 30 is a good deadline.
i haven't been taking a lot of photos this summer. something i hope to remedy this fall. i'm thinking about going back to school for graphic design. it's taken me 6 years to figure out that my mom was probably right.