you know what.....i've been thinking dreaming and making photos for at least 2 weeks straight now and today i was thinking how nice it is, at the end of the day, to go home.
today i missed my bus or it just didn't come, so it took me an hour to get home.
i was cold, tired, hungry and stressed but as soon as i sit down to eat my supper my mom goes on her daily rant about how much her life sucks.
now i know she's mom but seriously: i feel like telling her to fuck off.
i hate it when all people do is complain about their shitty lives and everyone has disappointed them and how they dont' have friends/ a life/ money/hobbies/ a husband who listens. just grow the fuck up: life doesn't owe you anything and if you want to change your situation then just do it. don't wait 22 years so you can bitch about your marital problems to your daughter who really just wants love her parents but ends up crying because they make it so god damn hard.